Corporate Education & Training

No More Walking on Eggshells: Empower Your Team with Disability Inclusion Training

A man sits in front of his open laptop holding his hands in a temple fashion up to his chin.

We know you want to be a conscientious leader who wants to empower their team through inclusion but you’re not sure where to start.

A small team of business professionals working together and talking things through.

Which is why we’ve made it our mission to show that technology is the greatest equalizer. When you pair our training with the tools you already have, everyone from leaders to individual contributors will feel more empowered than ever!

a dress shoe hovering over, about to step on, smashed eggshells

So you can stop walking on eggshells around the disability conversation.

We know you strive to be a thoughtful leader who empowers your team through inclusive practices.

outlines of people and animals in the shape of a circle showing different disabilities, shapes, and sizes

We understand that talking about disabilities is a taboo topic, not just in the workplace, not just in the United States, but around the entire world! Accessibility is probably one of your biggest blind spots (no pun intended), leaving you feeling unsure and uncertain about how to tackle such a taboo subject.

We provide company-wide training that empowers employees with disabilities to get what they need – and helps everyone else finally feel comfortable addressing the disability elephant in the room. 

a group of business people standing in a circle with an elephant
a group of business people standing in a circle with an elephant

We provide company-wide training that empowers employees with disabilities to get what they need – and helps everyone else finally feel comfortable addressing the disability elephant in the room. 

Here’s how we’ll help you empower your organization to confidently tackle the taboo topic of disability:

1. Art of Blinders:

Participants will gain insights into the underlying cognitive processes that influence decision-making and impact employment opportunities for people with disabilities.

2. Accessibility Empowerment:

We will empower your team with the knowledge and tools to foster a more inclusive work environment.

3. Digital Accessibility Training:

We equip your employees with the skills to navigate and implement digital accessibility.

So you can stop tiptoeing around the disability conversation and instead, watch as the number of employees confident enough to self-identify as having a disability skyrockets!

So take the next step and schedule your call with Mike Hess today! As BIT’s Founder, he’s co-created a plan specifically designed for executives in your same shoes.

a woman sneaking away with her shoes in one hand and a brief case in the other hand

A Few Words From Our Friends

“I’ve sat through, facilitated, and co-facilitated countless webinar-based trainings and presentations throughout my career. Never have I experienced a “reality check” of humanity until I attended one of Mike’s virtual presentations. Not only was he humble, funny, entertaining, and knowledgeable, he made an inspiring impact with a simple recipe of awareness. Putting yourself in a vulnerable position to feel and live like a person with a disability with some of the exercises he had us do was mind-blowing. I personally want to get better every day, and when it relates to my career, Mike made me a better person and Learning/Development professional by the way he engaged so many online. I highly recommend attending or asking Mike to present to your organization because everyone needs to learn from a masterful presenter like Mike. Thank you again and again Mike for the inspiring work you do on a daily basis! Wish for you nothing but happiness & success!”

~ David Hernandez, Senior Director Business Development at Visionary Healthcare Partners

“Working with BIT on our accessibility implementation has provided our team with the tools to autonomously incorporate accessibility into our products from the planning stage through to completion. We brought in BIT to reduce our reliance on outside companies, allowing us to internally monitor compliance, reduce costs and produce the best possible products for all end users. Additionally, building accessibility into our internal systems broadens our ability to best support our employees with disabilities, cementing our commitment to diversity and inclusion. Bit’s unique and fresh approach provides an excellent orientation to the challenges and practical aspects of accessibility. The empathy exercises, discussions and practice with different accessibility tools were remarkably valuable. I recommend all organizations work with BIT to implement accessibility into their own development teams.” 

~ Mike Neville, Product Manager, Software App, Dish Network

As a financial institution, we were lacking awareness that technology could be the catalyst for accessibility. That is until Mike Hess and his team from Blind IT spoke at our Leadership Summit. Mike educated 150 of our leaders on how to be comfortable and confident in supporting employees with disabilities. We learned that when we are comfortable, we can make small tweaks in the way we work, leveraging what is already built into the technology we own, to better serve a variety of people with visible and invisible disabilities. From this single event and continuous partnership, Blind IT has helped Elevations kickstart our 2024 Disabilities campaign, to openly understand how we can support those who have a disability and better serve our entire workforce and our greater community. 

~ Josephine Doyle, Director of DEI, Elevations Credit Union

And in the meantime, feel free to check out Michael Johnson from Benetech as he shares some kind words.