Professional Development Workshops

Professional Development Workshops

The BIT Academy also holds professional development workshops that help our candidates with skills necessary from pre-employment onward. Whether it’s interviewing, creating a resume that will be noticed, answering the toughest of interview questions, effectively communicating in order to make an impression from the first interaction through employment, or gaining familiarity with remote meeting platforms and their accessibility features, BIT Academy offers skills needed for professionals to succeed.

Each workshop is two 1.5 hour sessions, one week apart. Workshops are scheduled with alternating days each month in order to provide flexibility for those who wish to attend. For more information about each workshop and how to sign up, see the information below. Workshop dates and times are arranged quarterly, so check back here for the current schedule. To register for a workshop send us an email!

Let’s Get In Touch

First impressions are extremely important when it comes to the professional world. With virtual meetings and communication via email being more common than ever before, there’s a lot to keep in mind in order to present yourself in the most favorable light possible. From sending professional emails to being familiar with virtual meeting platforms, communication is key. The Let’s Get in Touch workshop focuses on both these things, with a heavy emphasis on accessibility. Find out more about the Let’s Get in Touch workshop.

Tell Me About Yourself

The first part of BIT’s Tell Me About Yourself workshop prepares professionals to answer this difficult interview question. Workshop participants will get to practice their thirty-second “elevator pitch” and receive feedback. The workshop also focuses on how to create a resume that gets noticed and that focuses on more than just a chronological list of work experience. This workshop offers hands on practice and example handouts for future reference. Find out more about the Tell Me About Yourself workshop.